Corporate sponsorship
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1m 43s
How can charities build relationships with their stakeholders and donators?
Letitia Allman
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1m 34s
How can smaller charities adapt to bearing the brunt of funding cuts?
Wendy Walton-Towle
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3m 08s
How do you develop successful corporate partnerships?
Jack Lewars
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2m 11s
How should you approach organisations for sponsorship?
Wendy Carter
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3m 21s
What types of funding/sponsorship opportunities are out there for charities?
Wendy Carter
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2m 09s
Examples of great corporate relationships and why they worked so well
Wendy Carter
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1m 09s
What advice would you give charities looking to develop corporate partnerships?
Jaspar Schlump
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1m 03s
How can charities make the most out of their corporate partnerships?
Jaspar Schlump
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4m 11s
What advice would you give a charity looking to receive corporate sponsorship?
Wendy Carter
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2m 38s
How do you manage corporate partnerships effectively?
Wendy Carter
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4m 39s
What to consider when trying to develop a relationship with another organisation
Laura Ambler
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3m 49s
How to maintain a relationship with a third party organisation
Laura Ambler
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4m 42s
How can you market your fundraising event effectively to the right audience?
Marina Leadbetter
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4m 44s
How can charities use LinkedIn to help find corporate sponsorships?
Michael Clark
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4m 13s
How powerful can LinkedIn be for charities?
Michael Clark
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3m 28s
How can we keep the fun in fundraising events and what are the benefits?
Jack Broadley
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4m 15s
What would be your top tips for a successful fundraising event?
Jack Broadley
Charity Learning Consortium Events
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