Chuks Etuka
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1m 04s
EDI: Chuks Etuka explains how discrimination feels
Chuks Etuka
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8m 32s
EDI: Diversity ensures community cohesion, creates an attractive society and...
Chuks Etuka
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6m 36s
EDI: Chuks Etuka recalls the discriminatory experience he had at an airport and...
Chuks Etuka
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2m 50s
EDI: What is unconscious bias?
Chuks Etuka
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1m 47s
EDI: Chuks Etuka says he has gone through his whole life being bullied and told...
Chuks Etuka
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2m 51s
EDI: The two things people do when they see Chuk's disability
Chuks Etuka
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1m 40s
EDI: Chuks says nobody should be made to go through similar experiences to him
Chuks Etuka
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