Nabila Mallick
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5m 16s
EDI: Nabila talks about a case she dealt with involving social media bullying...
Nabila Mallick
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4m 30s
EDI: Nabila talks about her frightening experience of discrimination when...
Nabila Mallick
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4m 56s
EDI: We need strong momentum for EDI practice and opinion, not just bursts of...
Nabila Mallick
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2m 41s
EDI: Nabila Mallick explains what the motherhood penalty is and what this means...
Nabila Mallick
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3m 51s
EDI: Diversity brings the ability to say, 'we really know each other'
Nabila Mallick
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3m 27s
EDI: Nabila discusses what EDI should look like in all levels of a charity
Nabila Mallick
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4m 51s
EDI: Name blind recruitment tips and hiring and collecting data unbiasly
Nabila Mallick
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