Nicky Hoyland
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3m 32s
EDI: Nicky Hoyland talks about bias and curiosity and how to check yourself
Nicky Hoyland
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1m 36s
EDI: How to behave if someone comes out to you
Nicky Hoyland
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1m 48s
EDI: Nicky Hoyland shares what people's reactions were like when they found...
Nicky Hoyland
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2m 38s
EDI: How are organisations showing collective support in the case of EDI?
Nicky Hoyland
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1m 33s
EDI: Nicky Hoyland talks about how a variety of voices is hugely important
Nicky Hoyland
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4m 01s
EDI: Nicky Hoyland explains people have to come out more than once and that is...
Nicky Hoyland
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