Ruben Carol
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3m 57s
EDI: Ruben Carol explains what he thinks is appropriate terminology coming from...
Ruben Carol
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1m 25s
EDI: Ruben explains the managgement divide in orgnaisations in relation to EDI
Ruben Carol
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1m 02s
EDI: People don't need sympathy, they need support and to be listened to
Ruben Carol
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2m 11s
EDI: Ruben Carol describes direct and indirect discrimnation and recalls...
Ruben Carol
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1m 12s
EDI: Is EDI work treated as importantly than other work?
Ruben Carol
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EDI: Changing perspectives is hard but if you can change one persons'...
Ruben Carol
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EDI: Discrimination can lead to depression and poor mental health
Ruben Carol
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1m 26s
EDI: Who better to have pushing organisations forward in EDI than the people who...
Ruben Carol
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1m 59s
EDI: There is so much talent that is being overlooked
Ruben Carol
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