Geoff Stead
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1m 29s
Will mobile learning replace or have an impact on face-to-face training?
Geoff Stead
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1m 33s
What are your tips for organisations looking to embrace mobile learning?
Geoff Stead
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1m 13s
What effect does mobile learning have on user-generated content?
Geoff Stead
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1m 15s
Is it important for organisations to take up mobile learning?
Geoff Stead
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1m 31s
What advice would you give to charities looking to move towards mobile learning?
Geoff Stead
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1m 03s
Does your workforce have high expectations of delivering learning on mobile...
Geoff Stead
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1m 13s
What are organisations’ greatest concerns about mobile learning?
Geoff Stead
Charity Learning Consortium Events
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