Helen Amery
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1m 56s
Can you give an example of when you mentored someone?
Helen Amery
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1m 28s
What are your top tips for mentees?
Helen Amery
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1m 38s
Best approach to checking-in with a mentee
Helen Amery
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1m 26s
Top tips for mentors when they first meet their mentee
Helen Amery
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1m 26s
What is the role of a mentor?
Helen Amery
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2m 02s
What is mentoring?
Helen Amery
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1m 16s
Should a mentor be paid or should they do it for free?
Helen Amery
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2m 02s
What are the fundamental aspects to a good mentoring relationship?
Helen Amery
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4m 18s
How can we get the best out of our people?
Helen Amery
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