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1m 04s
EDI: Chuks Etuka explains how discrimination feels
Chuks Etuka
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1m 47s
EDI: Chuks Etuka says he has gone through his whole life being bullied and told...
Chuks Etuka
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2m 51s
EDI: The two things people do when they see Chuk's disability
Chuks Etuka
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2m 05s
EDI: I still experience people double taking forms as they don't think it...
Laura Bilton
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3m 57s
EDI: Ruben Carol explains what he thinks is appropriate terminology coming from...
Ruben Carol
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EDI: Children need to be taught not to fear difference and disability
Lucy Wood
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2m 49s
EDI: Paul Deemer explains his frustration that people apologise for not having a...
Paul Deemer
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1m 26s
EDI: Who better to have pushing organisations forward in EDI than the people who...
Ruben Carol
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1m 18s
EDI: To make a difference, your strategy needs to be seen by staff
Julie Butcher
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1m 13s
EDI: Society will become stale if it is not diverse
Julie Butcher
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2m 08s
EDI: Ask if you're not sure what language to use
Julie Butcher
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1m 57s
EDI: I make jokes about myself to make other people feel comfortable that...
Lucy Wood
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EDI: Diversity changes a company's mindset so it should be celebrated
Lucy Wood
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1m 29s
EDI: Lucy Wood asks, is it that other applicants have more transferrable skills...
Lucy Wood
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2m 34s
EDI: Lucy talks about her own personal story of discrimination
Lucy Wood
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2m 52s
EDI: Julie shares her story of discrimination
Julie Butcher
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2m 46s
EDI: Ashley Faith talks about weight bias
Ashely Faith
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2m 13s
EDI: There's nothing to worry about if you get things wrong, as long as...
Julie Butcher
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6m 36s
EDI: Chuks Etuka recalls the discriminatory experience he had at an airport and...
Chuks Etuka
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2m 12s
EDI: Equality, diversity and inclusion is a change process that takes time but...
Mark Lomas
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1m 12s
EDI: Is EDI work treated as importantly than other work?
Ruben Carol
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EDI: Discrimination can lead to depression and poor mental health
Ruben Carol
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